Q&A: Baptisms for the Dead?

 "If Paul does not condemn doing baptisms for the dead," Pastor Bryan was asked, "does that mean Christians should baptize the dead." The question is not asking if a loved one should baptize a dead body before burial or cremation. The question gets into a non-Christian practice in Paul's day that continues in some non-biblical religions today. Even in the present day, some argue that because Paul does not use 1 Corinthians 15 to forbid the practice, people should engage in the practice. They overlook that nowhere else does Paul mention the practice, and the Bible gives no command to do it or even instruction about it.  

Should or should not followers of Jesus stand in proxy to do baptisms for the dead on behalf of their deceased family? They shouldn't, but that's not what 1 Corinthians 15:29 is about. 

Instead, we should read the Scripture that mentions baptisms for the dead in the context that Paul intended, as evidenced by the flow of his argument. We certainly should not lift verses out of the Bible, out of context, and create entire doctrines or practices from the verses we've hijacked from their intended meaning.  

What's actually going on in this Text?  

Pastor Bryan Catherman attempts to answer this question in this Redeeming Life:Q&A video:  

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