Financial Peace University

We’re joining up with Britney and Jason McNair (LifePoint Church, Farmington) to offer Financial Peace University at Redeeming Life. Britney McNair and Patrick Miller (from Redeeming Life) will co-facilitate the course.

When: Tuesday nights, 6:30 - 8 PM, September 10th through November 5th
Where: Redeeming Life Church Building

Childcare: Jason McNair is providing childcare for kiddos Kindergarten age and under. Pastor Bryan and Lisa are leading a kid’s and youth night for any kids first grade through senior high. (Please be aware, the Kid's and Youth Night is a Christian event and will be engaging in biblical and Christian content.)

In order to participate in Financial Peace University, you must register and pay for the course through their website. Follow this link to sign up:

Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any additional questions.


Stay the Course: "Rekindle Your Faith" (2 Tim. 1)


Dessert and Discussion (For the Next 4 Weeks)