Growing Leaders and Leviticus 27

It's such a wonderful thing to see growing leaders exercise their gifts as they lead, feed, and serve the church.   While many pastors might feel uncomfortable having nothing to do on a Sunday, I felt very pleased.  I got to see many of our leaders leading the Sunday service.  And they did great.  I'm so proud of all our leaders.  

We're almost finished with our series through the book of Leviticus. We've made.  This week we'll be looking at Chapter 27.  The chapter is all about vows to the Lord.  Have you ever made a vow to God?  Maybe you've said something like, "God, if you do this or that, I'll serve you in this way or that way"?  It happens doesn't it?  It happened in the Old Testament too. 

God set out a system to keep people from squeaking out of their vows.  Too many people working in the sanctuary?  No problem.  They could give money.  Lost of money.  Some of them would give up to 60 years of their wages to pay off their vows.  Yikes!  

Today, God does't want your promises in order to earn his blessing.  He wants all of you and that's a blessing.  Got wants you in his family and serving for your own good and growth.  God wants whats best for you and it's so much more than a little vow here or there.  

Have you give yourself entirely over to God?  Does he have all of you or are you trying to squeak out of serving the Lord?  

We'll be talking about Leviticus 27 as we conclude our series in Leviticus.  Read ahead and come ready to respond to God in worship.  See you Sunday! 

For the Kingdom!
Pastor Bryan


The 4 Gospels Challenge


Mobilizing Disciples - An Update for Leviticus 26