No Condemnation!

If you're going to memorize any verse in the Bible, I contend that it should be Romans 8:1.

"There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus."

Without question, this is one of the most freeing, comforting, liberating statements in the entire canon.  Technically it is saying there is no death sentence for those who Jesus has saved, There is magnitude in these words.  There is comfort in this statement.  It's a tangible expression of freedom.  

We know that we are forgiven when we give our life over to Jesus, but that knowledge has a difficult journey to the heart. We read the words but do we really believe them?  When we sin we often slip back into thinking there is no forgiveness.  We're damned and that's all there is to it.  But that's a lie. 

There is no condemnation.  No condemnation.  None.  Zero.  

I believe having this verse memorized will be extremely helpful in your walk when you are feeling the lie of condemnation creep back in.  Are you feeling it today?  Does it have a foothold in your soul. If so, repeat after me:  "There is therefore no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus."  

Let's break this down a little bit.  

First, it says there is no death sentence for those who are in Jesus, that is, those who share in Jesus' death and resurrection.  Do you call Jesus Lord?  If not, than the opposite of this statement applies to you-- you are under a death sentence.  Jesus frees us from that sentence.  You need Jesus right now.  You will find freedom in Christ.  Please don't hesitate to contact us if you'd like to learn more about what it is to give your live over to Jesus.

Next, if you are in Christ Jesus, there is no death sentence hanging over you.  You are free.  You have life.  That's good news!

But then there are those sinking times when we start thinking we are condemned.  We feel guilty.  It's important to remember that guilt comes in two forms.  The first in condemnation--the death sentence.  The second is conviction.  Conviction is the tool the Holy Spirit uses to move us back to God.  It's a call to repentance and it's a gift.

The Christian may experience conviction, but he or she will never again experience condemnation if he or she is saved.  "There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus."   This means if you are feeling guilty in some way, you need to ask yourself, "Do I have an unrepentant sin in my life?"  If the answer is yes, repent.  Pray and ask for forgiveness.  If the answer is no, you are being tempted by a lie.  Tell yourself, "There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus."

So often Christians are tempted to think that death sentence still hangs overhead.  If Romans 8:1 is true, then there can be no looming death sentence.  Remind yourself of this verse often and hold fast to Jesus.

May God bless you!

Pastor Bryan 

Sons of God Living in the Spirit


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