Service Opportunity: Voter Hospitality

Next Tuesday (November 4th) from 5pm - 9pm Redeeming Life Church will be showing hospitality to voters waiting to cast their ballot at Risen Life Church building polling location. While there are strict rules about what can and cannot be done at a polling place, we can offer water, candy, information about our church (to those who ask), and a friendly face.

The Millcreek House Fellowship is leading this effort to be hospitable to the neighbors of the Catherman and Pierce families.  Please come and join them.  Put on your Redeeming Life T-shirts and an heart for hospitality.  We'll have water and candy available as well as worship service cards on hand for interested person and signs indicating that the hospitality is provided by Redeeming Life Church.

This is a really simple service opportunity to serve and express love to our community. We'll have the chance to open doors, help the disabled, welcome and direct people about the facility, and strike up conversations. If you would like to be a part of Redeeming Life's Voter Hospitality next Tuesday please email or text Benjamin Pierce.

See you there!

*Photo by Erik Hersman is registered under a Creative Commons license and is used with permission. 

Romans 4:1-12


The Language of Family