Annie Armstrong Easter Offering

Every year at this time, thousands of Southern Baptist churches around the nation remember a missionary advocate and champion named Annie Armstrong. Or they at least continue her work when they take up a special offering named after her. Our work in Salt Lake has greatly benefited from donations made to the Annie Armstrong Easter offering, has have hundreds of other church plants. But it’s not just the mission work and the church plants that bless communities with resources given through Annie Armstrong offerings. Communities experiencing serious disaster have been blessed by Disaster Relief teams that come in and serve long after the disaster has happened. They work hard to restore communities after tornados and hurricanes and floods and earthquakes. They’re still serving in areas of California that were devastated by fire.

If you’d like to make a tax deductible donation to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering, you may give a check written to Redeeming Life Church with “Annie Armstrong” written in the memo line. We’ll collect these funs and forward 100% of the money on to the Annie Armstrong Offering. You may also give online by following this link: Annie Armstrong Easter Offering.

Thank you for partnering with this important work.


"My Sin Killed Jesus" (Acts 2:22-24)


This Is Easter: "The Coming King" (Zach. 9:9)